Story time!
En esta sección te presentaremos historias cortas que narran lo que les pasa a algunos personajes de Little Bridge!
Domino’s Lunch
En esta historia vamos a ver lo que pasa cuando Dominó quiere comer algo y sus dueños y amigos le ofrecen varias opciones.
¿Tienes un animalito en casa?
¿Cómo se llama?
¿Qué come un perrito? Disfruta la lectura!
Palabras clave
lunch = almuerzo
kitchen = cocina
happy = contento
apple = manzana
chicken = pollo
fries = papas fritas
burger = hamburguesa
remembers = recuerda
for a sleep = para dormir
1. ¿Cuántas cosas comió Dominó en el almuerzo?
2 ¿Cuáles son tus platillos/comidas favoritas? Dibuja una imagen de tu familia en un fiesta, incluye tus platillos o comidas favoritas en la mesa.
Domino’s Lunch

It’s Saturday. It’s time for Domino’s lunch. Rose goes into the kitchen.
“Oh no!” she says. “There’s no dog food!” Domino isn’t happy.
“Don’t worry,” says Rose’s mom. “We’re going to the supermarket this afternoon.”

So in the afternoon, Rose and her mom get in the car and go to the supermarket. “Not you, Domino,” says Rose. “You can’t come to the supermarket.”
Domino isn’t happy.

Domino goes to the park. Grace and Simon are playing there. Simon is eating an apple.
“Hello, Domino!” says Simon. “Do you like apples?” And he gives a piece of apple to Domino.
“Yum! Yum!” says Domino. And then he goes on.

In front of the hotel, a man is sitting at a table. He is eating chicken and fries. Domino looks at the man.
“Hello,” the man says to Domino.
Domino looks at the food.
“Would you like some fries?” says the man.
And he gives some fries to Domino.
“Would you like some chicken, too?”
“Yum! Yum!” says Domino. And then he goes on.

Domino goes to the sports field. At the
sports field he finds James and Matthew.
They are eating burgers.
“Hello, Domino!” they say. “Do you like burgers?” And they give a piece of burger to Domino. “Yum! Yum!” says Domino. Now he is happy
and he goes home.