Story time!

En esta sección te presentaremos historias cortas que narran lo que les pasa a algunos personajes de Little Bridge!

The Rainbow

En esta historia vamos a ver lo que pasa cuando llueve! ¿Te gusta cuando llueve?
¿Has visto el arcoíris?
¿Qué colores aparecen en éste?
Disfruta la lectura!

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Palabras clave

rainbow = arcoiris
cloudy = nublado
paint a picture = pintar un cuadro
balls = pelotas
sunny = soleado
windy = ventoso
fly the kite = vuela la cometa
rain = lluvia

1 ¿Por qué Matthew y Holly no pudieron volar su cometa/papalote?

2 Dibuja una imagen para alguien de tu familia en la que incluyas un arcoíris.

The Rainbow

It was a cloudy, Sunday morning. Holly and Matthew were at home.
“What are you doing?” Matthew asked his sister. “I want to paint a picture for mom’s birthday,” said Holly. “What can I paint?”
“What about a crocodile?” said Matthew. “No,” said Holly.
“What about a monster?” said Matthew. “No,” said Holly. “I don’t know what to paint.”

“Let’s play a computer game,” said Matthew. “No,” said Holly. “Let’s play ping pong.”
“We don’t have any balls,” said Matthew.
Holly went to the window. “Look,” she said.
“It’s sunny now! Let’s play badminton in the yard.”

The two children went outside to play badminton. But it was very windy.
“We can’t play badminton,” said Matthew,
“not with this wind!”
“Don’t worry,” said Holly. “Let’s go to the castle and fly the kite!”
So they got the kite and walked to the castle.

It was very windy at the castle. But now the
sky was cloudy again and it started to rain.
“Oh no,” said Matthew. “We can’t fly the kite in the rain!”
“Don’t worry,” said Holly. “Let’s go and see Rose.”


So the two children walked to Rose’s
house in the rain.
“I’m sorry,” said Rose’s mom. “Rose isn’t here. She drove into town with her dad.” “Don’t worry,” said Holly. “Let’s go home.” “What a day!” said Matthew. “We didn’t play ping pong.”
“And we didn’t play badminton,” said Holly. “And we didn’t fly the kite,” said Matthew. “And Rose wasn’t home,” said Holly

The two children walked home in the rain. Then the sun came out.
“Look!” said Matthew. “There’s a rainbow!” “Great!” said Holly. “That’s what I can paint!” And she went home, sat down and painted
a picture of a rainbow for her mom.