Story time!

En esta sección te presentaremos historias cortas que narran lo que les pasa a algunos personajes de Little Bridge!
Además en cada una aprenderás palabras nuevas! Disfruta la lectura!

Mr. Miller’s Garden

En esta historia aprenderás a contar cuántos conejos aparecen cada vez! Cómo se dice espantapájaros en Inglés! ¿Sabes como se dice zanahoria en Inglés?
Let ́s read!

Escucha la historia

Escucha Aquí la Historia

Palabras clave

garden = jardín
counts = cuenta
rabbit = conejo
carrot = zanahoria
claps his hands = bate palmas
are eating = están comiendo
scarecrow = espantapájaros
there aren't = no hay
why = por qué

1 ¿Cuántas zanahorias puedes ver en la imagen 4?

2 Dibuja una imagen de un espantapájaros incluyendo ropa que tú o tu familia usan. ¿Qué puedes emplear para la cabeza del espantapájaros?

Mr. Miller’s Garden

One day, Mr. Miller goes to his garden. He counts one, two, three rabbits!
The rabbits are eating his carrots! “Shooo!” says Mr. Miller. And he claps his hands.

The next day, Mr. Miller goes to his garden. He counts one, two, three, four, five rabbits! The rabbits are eating his carrots! “Shooo!” says Mr. Miller. And he claps his hands.

The next day, Mr. Miller goes to his garden. He counts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight rabbits! The rabbits are eating his carrots!
“Shooo!” says Mr. Miller. And he claps his hands.

The next day, Matthew is at Mr. Miller’s house. Mr. Miller and Matthew go to his garden. Mr. Miller counts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten rabbits! The rabbits are eating his carrots!
“Shooo!” says Mr. Miller. He claps his hands.

“I have an idea,” says Matthew. “What about a scarecrow?”
So Matthew and Mr. Miller make a scarecrow.

The next day, Mr. Miller goes to his garden. He looks. Where are the rabbits? There aren’t any rabbits! “Excellent!” says
Mr. Miller. “There aren’t any rabbits!” That’s right: there aren’t any rabbits.
But do you know why? Because there aren’t any carrots!